5340 Roof Repairs
3:00 PM15:00

5340 Roof Repairs

Please be advised that repairs to the roof have been scheduled, depending on weather for


Thursday April 13th, 2023


During this time, you may notice some extra people working throughout the building. There will be power tools in use during the process, and as such, you may hear some extra noise while this work is being completed.

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9:30 AM09:30


Please be advised that the surface parking lot will be getting cleaned on

Wednesday January 18th

8am – 5pm


The parking lot will be getting scraped and cleaned, and we will need ALL vehicles removed from the parking lot to do so.

They will be doing the entire parking lot when they arrive, so please be mindful of equipment and workers.

Any Vehicles that are not moved from their spot will be towed.

We understand that this will cause an inconvenience and we appreciate your patience as we work to keep your property clean, and safe.

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In Suite Furnace/AC Maintenance
to Dec 21

In Suite Furnace/AC Maintenance

December 8, 2022

To: Residents of Parliament Rentals by Towers Realty Group

From: Nathan Labatt

Subject: Notice to Enter – In-Suite Furnace Maintenance

Please be advised that we will be performing general maintenance/servicing to all In-Suite Furnace/AC units. Mechanical contractors will be on site to inspect and provide maintenance services over multiple days. This is a mandatory service and while residents do not need to be present, we do ask that for the comfort of any pets, please ensure they are secured, if you will not be at home.
The complete scope of work is expected to take place from:

December 12th – December 16th & December 19th - 21th
Between the hours of 8AM – 5PM

As this is a sizeable project, we have planned to systematically work through each building. Below are the projected dates for each building. The plan is 2 floors per day, starting at the bottom of the building. The third day is set to be a buffer period, to allow for any potential issues or concerns that may arise.
5200 Parliament: December 12, 13 & 14

5340 Parliament: December 14, 15 & 16

5380 Parliament: December 19, 20 & 21

Due to the nature of the work being completed, these dates are only guidelines to best help our residents in planning for this work. We will do our best to adhere to the dates noted above.

We ask that residents please assist in this process, by making sure that all furniture/belongings is/are moved away from furnace room doors so the technicians can easily access them. This will help us in following our projected schedule.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Nathan Labatt
Building Manager

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5340: Roof Repairs
1:00 PM13:00

5340: Roof Repairs

Please Note, this was scheduled for Monday the 21st, and has been carried over to Tuesday the 22nd.

5340 Parliament Avenue will be having some repairs done to the roofing, depending on weather conditions. Please be advised that you may hear some construction work happening, that could cause some disturbance.

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5340 Annual Fire Alarm Testing
4:00 PM16:00

5340 Annual Fire Alarm Testing

Please be advised that Contractors will be performing testing of the fire suppression, and alarm system in your building throughout the day. This is a mandatory service, and we will require access to all suites between the hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm.

During this time, the buildings fire alarm system will be tested to ensure correct operation. This means that the alarm sirens will be going off intermittently throughout the day.

Residents do not need to be present during this time, therefore due to the disruption this process may cause, it may be advisable to make arrangements for yourself, and pets to be outside of the home for the day.


Thursday July 7th, 2022.

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